Armed Forces Memorial -The Gates

The Gates.
The second sculpture group depicts figures before the Eternal Gates to Paradise: A lone figure points to the Open Gate. Here on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month the sun’s rays dramatically pass through the opening to strike the laurel wreath which is placed equidistant between the two sculpture groups
Two soldiers, one female and the other an Gurhka orderly, pick up the wounded soldier from the field of battle This composition, based upon of the Deposition of Christ, has Christian symbolism, however it is veiled, it could encompass all religion.

To one side stands the figure of the letter cutter carving the inscription “ WE REMEMBER THEM TODAY, TOMORROW, FOREVER “. This figure has a striking resemblance to the artist.

The work was cast by Castle Fine Arts Foundry Ltd.


  • Material: Bronze
  • Size: 2.75 m x 6 m x 2 m / 9' x 19.6' x 6'